Contact Information
Cruise / Tour / Property / Destination Information
Provide up to 5 itineraries/destinations/properties to feature or upload an HTML/PDF file if applicable
Provide an HTML file or PDF to use for the email campaign. This can be used in place of or in addition to the itineraries below.
This copy will be directly below the "Email Campaign Title" and should look as if the agency is writing it, not the supplier.
Use this for any copy you want to use to showcase the promotion. I.e., "Receive 30% off travel to Mexico plus get $100 per person resort credit"
Use this to provide the travel destinations of the itinerary or to describe the destination. If not applicable, enter "N/A".
Use this to provide the travel destinations of the itinerary or to describe the destination. If not applicable, enter "N/A".
Use this to provide the travel destinations of the itinerary or to describe the destination. If not applicable, enter "N/A".
Use this to provide the travel destinations of the itinerary or to describe the destination. If not applicable, enter "N/A".
Use this to provide the travel destinations of the itinerary or to describe the destination. If not applicable, enter "N/A".
Enter any Terms & Conditions here. If not applicable, enter "N/A".
Here you can upload images for the email campaign. Please make sure that all images are at least 620px wide. Also, itinerary images should be landscape.
MAST has your current company logo on file. This section is for updated and/or promotional logos.