MAST is proud to include ASTA membership in the cost of MAST membership. ASTA membership for MAST agencies will run on a January to December basis, same as MAST Membership. Agencies should only renew their ASTA membership through their MAST Membership Renewal Invoice. If you happen to receive a renewal notice directly from ASTA, please disregard and inform

If you have trouble logging in to your account, simply reset your password by clicking “Forgot your password” on You may also email for assistance.

Your agency’s ASTA membership extends to your W2 employees as well. Sign up your employees for ASTA access by logging into your account, go to My Profile on the top right, then click on your agency’s name in the box on the left, then scroll down to Add/Manage Employees. If you’re having trouble with this you can contact ASTA’s Director of Membership, Andrea Caulfield, at

Independent Contractors can sign up for their own membership at a discounted rate of $178/year only for ICs of MAST agencies (originally $228/year for ICs). ICs should sign up directly online at with the MAST promo code: MASTIC50

For general ASTA questions, contact ASTA’s Director of Membership, Andrea Caulfield, at or