Member Forums

Member Forums

MAST Travel Advisors Only Facebook Group

This is a PRIVATE GROUP for MAST ADVISORS ONLY: to protect the candid, open sharing of information, content is not to be shared with any individuals outside the group or preferred supplier representatives/companies.

MAST Travel Advisors Only

Owners Only MAST Group

MAST JV Members

Guidelines of use:

  • The purpose of this (page/forum) is for Support and to Gain Knowledge – It is not to train you or your staff or bypass researching a basic topic. When asking for recommendations, please provide qualifying information so that conversations remain constructive and efficient.

    – It is not where you complain or “rant” about things but to ask constructively if anyone has had an issue with a certain supplier, etc. If you would like MAST Headquarters to assist with a supplier issue, please contact the MAST Staff directly via email with complete booking details.

    Usage guidelines:
    -Agency owners are responsible to give instructions to employees and ICs about usage
    -Any posts deemed inappropriate such as spam, chain letters are automatically deleted
    -Any posts promoting or regarding personal and non travel related business are deleted
    -Any posts deemed offensive are deleted
    -Any posts or comments deemed unprofessional or disruptive to the efforts of the organization are deleted at the administrator’s discretion.

    Please remember this is a professional, business forum and posts or comments should be written as so.

    Group administrators reserve the right to delete posts that do not meet these objectives and guidelines.

    As a reminder, use the “search this group” bar on the left-hand side of your desktop or laptop screen to find topics previously discussed. To search for a topic on your mobile device, see the magnifying glass/search icon at the top of your phone screen within the Facebook Group. You can type in locations, resort names, etc. to find past posts.

    Only personal pages will be approved to join the Facebook Group. Business Pages will not be accepted.

Owners Only Facebook Group

This group has been created for the sole purpose of Agency Owner communication. MAST Headquarters will continue to post any updates or announcements ONLY in the “MAST Travel Advisors Only” Facebook Group, which is open to all travel advisor employees and ICs of MAST. Agency Owners will be responsible for differentiating between the two separate Facebook groups. This page follows the same rules as other MAST private group pages.