Quarterly Sales Reports

Quarterly Sales Reports

These reports will show each member their sales for that quarter as compared to their goal for each supplier. This is a tracking tool to help you keep up with your sales and let you know how you are doing with your sales versus goals. At the end of the year the overrides are paid out. The top two membership plans for 2025 (Pro and Premium) include “Guaranteed Overrides”, meaning your agency will receive a percentage earned of the override whether you hit your individual sales goal or not. The All Access plan does not guarantee overrides, therefore your agency must hit your individual sales goal with a certain supplier in order to receive a portion of the override.

The purpose of these reports is not to provide you with a sales report that shows all your sales through MAST’s Preferred Suppliers, but rather to help you see how close you are to making your goals to help MAST and your agency achieve these goals and thus earn your agencies share of the overrides.


If you have questions regarding sales reports and tracking, please contact Kathleen DiBacco at kathleen.dibacco@mvptravel.com