MAST Supplier Spotlight

MAST Supplier Spotlight

Over the last two years, there have been many changes within the travel industry and suppliers have had to make adjustments due to the pandemic. Some travel advisors may have been too busy to keep up with all the updates, so we’d like to give you this opportunity to send all MAST Advisors a quick overview of your company. In this email you can update advisors on things like what you have to offer, any information you feel would help them sell your product better, and share any resources to aid them with any travel-related client questions or issues. Please review the fields below and proof any content already listed, make any changes or updates, and add anything else you’d like to share. The more details offered, the more they will know about your company and the more comfortable they will feel selling your product/s. (*Any content shown below was copied from your Supplier Profile page on the MAST Advisor Website, so if you make changes, you should also make updates on your page of the MAST website. )
Travel Types Offered:
Travel Destinations Offered:
Special Rates Offered:
Confirm Information Above Is Correct(Required)