Since 1991 we have been working with couples, their families and guests for Destination Weddings and really enjoy it. Each wedding is always totally different and we are here and ready to assist everyone in the group.
A few years back we did a combination of New Berlin and Eisenhower High Schools for a 40th Class Reunion CRUISE. It started with one graduation year but grew to anyone graduating in the 70’s! We got quite a few classmates together that haven’t seen each other for years and everyone agreed it was a success!
One of our Disney families was lucky enough to be upgraded to the Cinderella Castle for an overnight stay! They are still talking about it!
We love surprises, and are excited to be part of them! Many of our clients have surprised their spouses and families with an amazing cruise or exotic all inclusive vacation. Believe it or not we have had more than a couple of fiancee’s set up a surprise special honeymoon to Bora Bora and Tahiti, and the bride doesn’t know where she is going. We have even have assisted in quite a few surprise proposals all over the world, from Las Vegas to Europe, Jamaica and Mexico! We love to help make our clients look like the total super heroes… they are!