Memories Tour & Travel works with an Organization called Thursdays Child. It grants wishes to terminally ill children and young adults within Wisconsin. We had a special request from a young lady, she wanted to swim with the dolphins & see Mickey Mouse!!
Well we knew Micky would be easy but the Dolphin part, that was going to be a challenge. You see this young lady was very sick and had a stomach port that prevented her from getting into any water, especially one that had dolphins swimming around in it!!! She was told this just wasn’t going to be possible. True to her amazing character she smiled and said, OK, Mickey would do!! My heart melted and I knew we had to figure out how to make this happen.
Thanks to my many connections thru my involvement with Mast I was able to coordinate with the help of Sea World and Discovery Cove to have a special wet suit flown to Florida for her to use!! I called the Channel 15 News, grabbed my goody bag sent by Sea World, and topped off with Memories Tour & Travel hats and cameras, and headed to the airport. I was determined to make this as special as possible for her! I asked her about her wish. She said it was OK she was happy just to be going. My heart again melted as I watched her face light up and the tears flow as I told her, she WOULD be swimming those dolphins after all!!!! She had an amazing time in Florida and all her dreams came true that week!! You see, that’s why I call my company Memories, because that’s what I sell.